Related topics: Administration - Nobility - Civil Servants'
Ranks - Military
Who is who in Feniz?
About Fenizic names:
Fenizic names are usually composed of three
the first two of which represent the bearer's family
while the last one is his given name.
nobility titles
- His Royal Majesty (H.R.M.) the Sultan I'd
- Her Royal Majesty the First Lady Of
The Harem Bri'Gitt-Ah
- His Highness the Emir of the Prall'Ist Anni-Esto
(Pralistani) Emirate Bin'Net-Door Emir
- His Highness the Emir of the I'Para Lass-Puki
(Iparalaspuqui) Emirate Cost'A-Brava Emir
- His Highness the Emir of the Ir'Mokra Id-Hochland (Mokra)
Emirate Cisarevych Romchyk
- His Highness the Emir of the Ir'Sukha Id-Hochland (Sukha)
Emirate Cisarevych Dimeon
- His Highness the Emir Omda (Lord Mayor) of Fenizabad Bin'Gley-Vek
- His Highness the Sheikh of the Ir'Fenis Myste-Gal (Fenis)
- His Highness the Sheikh of the Ze'Borna Ti-Esto
- His Highness the Emir Omda (Lord Mayor) of Ulnovabad
- The Honourable Count of Bojarka and president of the
Bojarkische Volkspartei Erich Berger
- His Highness the Grand
Vizier (Prime Minister) Sheik G'Ensh-Er
- Spokesman of Feniz and Director, Information
Office Al'Ham-Bra Aga
- Chief Editor of the General Fenizic News Service
(GFN) Al'Yo-Shah
- International correspondent for GFN Wonz'Too-Nou
- Vizier (Minister) for Foreign
Affairs Dr.
Kurt S. Schroedtnigg
fomer professor for international politics at the Kyjovo University,
ethnic Fränkisch with relationship in Phenixia, with a
weak health
- Vizier for Home Affairs Go'For-It Pasha
- Vizier for Transport Fern'Ver-Kehr Pasha
- Director, Royal Aviation Office Fl'Eye-Raund
- Director, Royal Hydrographic Office Capt.
In'Der-See Aga
- Space Technologies Co-ordinator Dr.
I'Fliag-Aufi Aga
- Post Master General Post-Itt Aga
- Vizier for Culture
- Grand Kadi (Minister of Justice) Recht'Und-Ordnung
- Defterdar (Minister of Finance)
- Beglerbeg (Minister
of Defence) Fra'Jo-Stra Aga
- Chief of the Grand General Staff Marshal Of
Feniz Peter Ehra-Lessien
- Director, International Military Music School Colonel
Hu'Sa-Del Aga
- Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Army and of the
Fenizic Expeditionary Corps Marshal Of Feniz
Ix'Kano-Neer Aga
- Commander, International Intervention Command General
Dr. Spydel
- Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Navy and of the
Fenizic Expeditionary Fleet Admiral Of The
High Seas Sturm'Er-Probt Aga
- Senior Flags and Signals Officer Captain Of
The High Seas Fahn'De-Flotte Aga
- Corps Commander of the Music Corps of the Command
of the High Seas Captain P'Ief-Ke
- Deputy Commander, Command of the High Seas, and
Commander, Battlegroup Andrissen Admiral
A. was commander of the submarine
flotilla in the Hochlandian Navy and is very
experienced in missions in international waters.
It was his merit that the Hochlandian Navy did
not take action against the Fenizic forces in the
course of the Fenizic annexion of Hochlandia,
which renders him trustworthy to the Sultanate.
- His Holiness the Caliph (the Mounist religious leader of
Feniz) Neer'Too-Gott
- His Eminence the Archbishop (Cruisian, near to the Church
of Christiana) Ian Paolo
- His Excellency the President of Id'S-Oylof
Feniz (OF, the national Oil Corporation) and
President of the Chamber
of Commerce of Fenizabad Dr.-Engr.
I'Foundpat-Role Emir
- FEBAG Marketing Director Dr.
- RA&O Marketing Director Ix'Ver-Kowfs
- some Members of the Phoenix Golf Club:
- Founder of the Phoenix Golf Club, best player in
the nation, Bin'Weri-Gudd Aga
- Best golf player of the army, Colonel
Bir'Her-An Aga
- Head of the financial branch of Id'S-Oylof Feniz,
as such representative of the main sponsor of the
Phoenix Golf Club, best player of his company, Ham'Geld-Gnua
- President of the National Sports
Committee of Feniz and the National VexGames
Committee Dr. Sint'Seir-Goot
- The Fenizic VexGames Team:
- The Fenizic WinterVexGames Team:
- Top fashion designer Trag'Myn-Tsoig
- Artist (singer) Oon'Bay-Woozt
- Artist (texter, signalman on H. M. Frigate Futuron) Ix'Sing-Was
- Artist (painter) Mal'Mal-Was
© by Winfried Schroedter - last update
of this page on 24. Januar 2009 10:59 Westeuropäische Normalzeit
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