Related topics: Timeline of Fenizic history - Topological map of the regional subdivision of Feniz in the course of history - Documentation - Tribal Structure - History of Ulnovabad - History of Fenia

History of Feniz and Its Territories


Modern Feniz has developed from a variety of different territories which do not share a common history. Although the influence of powers like the Liliani Empire are noticable throughout the whole country, all parts of Feniz have lived through different developments, have enjoyed or suffered different rulers, and up to 299 AP, seldom have been their own masters, much less been under one common master.

This is the reason for the special difficulty in Fenizic history in that it cannot be written in a compact form but always must be related to the different parts of the country. These parts share the history of greater states or communities of which they have been part over longer or shorter periods.

So it can happen that some chapters of this history are written from an interior point of view and others from an outwardly view in order to make them understandable.

My thanks go to the Alvare Institute in Lendosa and to the historians of Estontetso, Dascunya, former Phenixia, former Northern Phenixia, former Phoenicia, Aethelnia, and Fenia.

Prof. Dr. Aus'Derwus-Te, Emir Dr I'Foundpat-Role University, Fenizabad

Origin in Mystgallia (modern Cruisana): The Reign of Fenia

Between 5000 BP and 4500 BP, astonishing stone temples have been erected on Im'Naidra-Exmalta, an island off the Fenizic coast, for ages inhabited by the Fenis, a people which came from Cruisana [1]. This is the first trace of a population in the region of modern Feniz [6].

Cruisanan sagas speak of a people known as "the Wild Ones of the Ancient Sagas", a coarse, violent people inhabiting Mystgallia (modern Cruisana), masters of the wooden sailing vessel known as the barken who sailed out on heroic voyages to distant lands, and of those who never returned. The names of those who never returned were scratched into the Rock of the Moon, dated as being thousands of years old. To this day one can still make out the ancient runes that spell the word fenis. [2]

For more information about the Fenis refer to Fenia's history.

In the West (modern Dascunya): The Gardlian Tribes

Border QuestionUntil about 2600 BP, the southern part of Al'Jumu-Ria and the northwestern part of Mokra were in the hands of the Gardlies, one of the original five tribes of Dascunya, while the southeastern part of Mokra and all Sukha belonged to the territory of the Lumattans. [4, 5] In 2570 BP, the Gardlies began to expand southwards, conquering the Sukha part of the Lumattan territory west of the Central Longerthian Mountains while the Mokra portion, east of the mountains, remained independent, not being a significant power, however, due to their low population. At the end of this expansion process, political structures began to establish themselves. The confederations of tribes that fought the wars of expansion began to coalesce into single states, each lead by a high chieftain. The nation of the Gardlies came to be known as Dascagnia. [4]

In the North (modern Estontetso): The Three Tribes

This map is claimed by its author to be incorrect!The early inhabitants of the northern part of North Feniz, or Al'Jumu-Ria, belonged to the Three Tribes, all of Liliani ethnicy. Of these, the Empapas or Empapadus lived at the coast (green) and the Lambuças or Lambuzadis in the interior (olive). [3]

Around 2500 BP, these tribes, culturally advanced, had already formed the kingdoms of Micholerdia and of Burburreica. [4]

Around 1900 BP one of Vexillium's greatest writers, a Liliani called Averilius wrote the famous epic chronicling the arrival of the mythical founder of Micholerdia, Asculius. [4]

Burburreica and the rise of Micholerdia

In those times, borders of nations were constantly shifting, as was power, but by 2050 BP, things were becoming more stable. The Kingdom of Micholerdia was the largest nation at that time. It was almost entirely of the Empapa ethnic subgroup, with few Empapas left outside its borders.

The Kingdom of Burburreica was less of a power, but its territory was quite barren and mountainous, and thus, the its people loved freedom and independence. The majority of them were Lambuças, with a large minority of Gardlians in the Hawadan region who had moved north from Dascagnia.

King Aratacius IV (or Arro TaKe Pexpodr IV, in Estontetsan) ascended to the throne of Micholerdia in 2038 BP. In 2010, he tried to invade the Kingdom of Peganhosa which received assistance, through an alliance, from the Kingdom of Burburreica; the threat of an invasion from the south forced Aratacius to cease the invasion. In 2002 BP, the alliance of Peganhosa and Burburreica collapsed, and Aratacius finally invaded Peganhosa and, in 2000 BP, conquered the northern part, the heartland, of Burburreica. This event marked the end of the Micholerdian kingdom and the beginning of the new Liliani Empire, Aratacius IV of Micholerdia becoming Aratacius I of Liliana. The same year he died.

Burburreica was no longer a political power, with its heartland under Liliani rule, but these outer regions remained a unitary state for some time before collapsing into tribal groups fighting each other. Southern Burburreica was joined to the Liliani province in northern Burburreica when a delegation of tribal chieftains petitioned the Emperor for it, hoping to gain the prosperity that northern Burburreica seemed to be enjoying. This happened between 1575 BP (according to the map given in  [4]), 1275 BP (according to [4] chapter 2.1) and 1102 BP (according to the Liliana chapter in [4]).

The Liliani Empire

Grey area in the southeast: Reign of FeniaIn 1951 BP, under the reign of Axutus (Xuta) I, the Liliani armies began an expansion into the southern half of the continent. After the Battle of Werrian, the largest pitched battle[[What is a pitched battle?]] fought by the Liliani Empire in its conquest of the south, Dascagnia, with the exception of Faeniccia Minor (modern Sukha), became part of the Liliani Empire [4]. Faeniccia Minor was only conquered by Claudius (Claudio, 1719 BP - 1685 BP) in 1703 BP [5]. During his reign, the Liliani conquests in Dascagnia and Uestadagnia were granted the status of province.

In 1636 BP, Liliani forces in the south expanded the imperial territory a bit with the conquest of the southern plains, which they named Caesarea Evora (or Ceasaria Evora[3, 5] ), the later Lazischyna[Thomas Robinson, Alvare Institute, Lendosa] in northern Angliyaa.

Ships from Christiania were frequent visitors to Liliani ports on the eastern coast, and contact was sufficient to spread the Liliani alphabet (which itself seems to stem from the ancient Mystgallish colonization, cf. [2]) and introduce certain words to the Ingallish language.

Between 1500 and 1300, Ingallish groups arrived and settled in modern Aethelnia. With them, Cruisianity had begun to enter Longerath in the 15th century BP. Constantin(i)us (Constantino, 1376 BP - 1330 BP) declared Liliana to be a Cruisian nation and thus founded the Cruisian dominance in Longerath. (The Sbirna Soljanka branch of Cruisianity was only created when the Hoch formed a nation, during their retreat from the Plague.)

Provinces of Liliana around 1100 BP. LMa: Liliana Magna; B: Berburreidica; FMi: Faeniccia Minor; CE: Caesaria EvoraUnder Fovinius (Fofinho, 1155 BP - 1102 BP), in the last phase of the territorial expansion of Liliana, southern Burburreica was joined to the Liliani province Berburreidica (northern Burburreica) after a petition of tribal chieftains [4], together with southern Jumu-Ria and northern Mokra. [[(Cf. with above remark concerning the exact time.)]]

Liliani Colonization of Faeniccia

Map from c. 1100 BPThe Faeniccian (Liliani for Lumattan [[coordinate with "invasions"]]) population north of the mountains (including modern Mokra) was so spread out that it was easily subsumed by the Liliani colonists of later periods, the exact period of time still to be determined. This colonization was mostly by sea, despite the relative proximity of Liliani borders on land, due to the hostility of the Burburreican and Gardlian tribes in the region. Settlement began in coastal areas, but gradually moved inland, leading to the founding of Cedrium (modern Cèdre) as capital. The Liliani name for the region was Faeniccia Magna, echoing the Liliani province of Faeniccia Minor, in the west. The original name Faeniccia probably came from the name applied to it by the local tribes, and was adopted and adapted by the Lilianis.

From Liliani to Estontetsan Empire

It was an era of extrordinary civilization advances for the wide Liliani Empire, but its wideness brought immense problems of administration, helped by the countless revolts widespread wich commenced in the 10th century. Augustus IV (Auga IV) attempted in 934 BP to control the situation by dividing the territories in small units called a Regiocomei (originally a Regio Comei, or a Count's Region), now translated as a County, with extended autonomy. Actually, this had the opposite effect, the Emperor loosing more and more power, local revolts changing to regional ones, corruption spreading its tentacles, and so the Liliani Empire slowly dissolved. [3, 4]

We are currently investigating whether there been revolts in the Feniz region and if yes, when. What was/were the names of the Feniz counties, if any?

Liliani Counties around 700 BP that were to form Estontetso between 662 and 600 BP. 12: Indalastão: Iparalaspuquis; 13: Pralistão: Pralistanis of Lambuzadis ethnicityIn 712 BP, several counties of modern Dascunya began a revolution against the Empire of Liliana and, in 700 BP, won the war and proclaimed the Kingdoms of Uestadenia and of Dascunya, respectively, the latter including Faeniccia Minor. [5]

At the same time, the various Liliani settlements in Faeniccia Magna which had developed from mere colonies to small powerful city states, came together to form the United (or Union of) Counties of Phenixia which included most of Mokra [4] and the coastal county of Odesiuky, Fenia. We are currently assuming that the big cities of Mokra, especially Apshograd, Odesiuky and Kyjovo, were among these colonies.

Some southern territories of the Union, however, namely Francia & Iberie[5] , soon came under Dascunyan rule, after political marriage with Phenixian royal families[[Thomas D.: Why royal?]]. [12]

In the 7th century, Natestus (Natesta, 662 BP - 600 BP), the last Emperor of Liliana, centered his efforts on controlling as much area of the empire as possible, with the help of his most trustworthy counts, creating the Empire of Estontetso ("Land of the Future"). [3, 4].

Phenixian borders valid from 675 BP, Name and borders of Etsontetso valid from 600 BP - Border does not match that of 580Fenia is dissolved by the treaty of 600 BP called Bulla Paulina. Phenixia inherits the eastern portion, Dascunya the western, Estontetso a small bit to the north.

Map © 1999 Edward Mooney, CruisanaThis allegedly 1200 years old map on the left is both recalling the prehistoric Mystgallish colonization and the markably growing Chistianian overseas trade of the 17th century.

Phenapolis is identical with Odesiuky, still seat of a Cruisian Church's archbishop, former harbour place of the Regnum Phenia.

The map must have been made around 600 - 580 BP. The key to a correct dating is the fact that because only since this year, names like Esto(ntetso) etc. have been in use. Furthermore, 1200 years ago (around 900 BP), Longerath was almost completely controlled by the Liliani Empire which would have had to be mentioned on the map. Read the relevant expertise by the Alvare Institute, Lendosa, and others.

Anglyodascunya and the Longerathian Wars

The Kingdom of Dascunya expanded several times, integrating Uestadenia and Ançalda. The last and largest merger of southern Longerath came in 452 BP, when William V ascended the throne of greater Dascunya and married Catherin of Angliyaa. This created a unified state spanning from Estontetso to the southernmost tip of the continent. It was given the name Anglyodascunya, also called the Anglyodascunyan Crown or Empire or, like the previous Kingdom of Dascunya, the Drekanian Empire. [4, 5]

Relations between Anglyodascunya and the neighbouring Estontetsan Empire were tense. When Dascunya amalgamated with Ançalda and Uestadenia, Estontetso was concerned, and when it merged with the large but largely undeveloped Kingdom of Angliyaa to the south, it became openly alarmed.

In 427 BP, the already strained peace broke down altogether. Estontetsan armies crossed the border into Anglyodascunya, advancing slowly. At the same time, Estontetsan armies moved into Phenixia, conquering some of the coastal region parallel to their Dascunyan conquests. Defeating the Anglyodascunyans in several major engagements, they finally marched with dwindling opposition south into Uestadenia and the southern plains and completed the conquest of Anglyodascunya - except Anglyiaa proper and the territories left to successor states - in 254 BP.
Nevertheless, the Angliyaans, in a series of surprise victories of 238 BP, turned the Estontetsans from attackers to defenders. The Estontetsans, drained from the constant warfare outside their own lands, began to fall back. The key turning point in the war was the recapture of Rossinia in 150 BP, after which the Estontetsans had no significant success in the Longerathian Wars. The Angliyaan advance was brought to a halt on the old border between Estontetso and Dascunya, when all of Dascunya was free of Estontetsan control. In 138 BP, Estontetso suffered a popular revolution, and the Emperor was overthrown. The new government immediately proposed peace. [4]

New borders were established between all the warring parties. The Anglyodascunyan Empire was dissolved. The territories taken from Phenixia were returned to it, and the territory of old Faeniccia Minor also joined the Union of Counties of Phenixia. [compiled from 4 and 5]

The Plague

Migrations after the PlagueIn the central area of Longerath, the effects of the Plague were considerably nasty and determined a serie of migrations within the south of the Estontetsan territory. In the map, the blank areas show where lands became deserted. [3]

The Central Longarathian Mountains were exempted from the Plague. [5]

The Plague was particularly devastating for the Zebornati and the Pralistani, and as in that time an expedition of Iparalaspuquis accosted on the beaches, the Emperor granted that land to settle (see yellow arrow). [3]

Two paintings by Geoff Hunt giving an impression of the Iparalaspuqui Accostage
Long and intensive historical research has been spent on revealing the origin of the Iparalaspuquis. David Harper (Neoliliana) already assumed that they could have migrated from the Old Continent. Thomas Robinson (Alvare Institute, Lendosa) and Kjell Elgsaas (Armatirion) jointly proposed that they came from the south of Western Armatirion. Elgsaas explains:
"According to various histories, the Gronkian empire began moving south in around 130 BP, and we thought that this conquest, when it reached the region, might have initiated the move. The Gronkian [...] claimed that most of Western Armatirion was conquered by Gronk, but whether or not that was just propoganda, I don't know. If it is true, then it may be the reason. Gronk could easily have taken a hundred years or so to gradually conquer that much land."

The Iparalaspuquis (or I'Para Lass-Puki as they themselves write their name) settled in the agricultural region along the coast, in 2 AP founding the town of I'Paris Lass-Ziff, modern Fenizabad, near the old Liliani Fort Lutetia, as a commercial and administrative centre to dominate the region. Fort Lutetia, the remains of which are called The Tower today, had been Liliana's southernmost point up to the 16th centurty BP, and afterwards an important military post. I'Paris Lass-Ziff was well planned and became a pleasant town, soon called "La Belle Ville", and as this name was easier for foreigners "Belleville" became the international denomination, preferrably used by the Phenixians. The Iparalaspuquis also brought Mounism to the region, and in every respect became the lead culture.

The Pralistani had found refuge from the Plague in the Great Jumurian Desert and, from there, regained control over their homeland. Parts of the Zebornati had survived the Plague in the unpermeable forests of their region. The Fenis, returning from their refuge in the Rosenvalley, met the Iparalaspuquis in the south of Al'Jumu-Ria, and their settlements in that region mixed. So the actual tribal structure is a direct result of the Plague.

Estontetso - from Empire to Kingdom

The Plague had "shuffled and dealt again" in what concerned the administration of the Estontetsan Empire, with the great chaos occuring in form of a de-facto anarchy despite the existing de-jure governmerntal institutions. Therefore the administration started to get very centralised and, as in any other empire, the concept of a "National State" was erected to be one of its pillars. Any form of autonomy was seen as secession, and the puzzle of peoples within the empire were to be "standardised". This policy almost destroyed the richness brought up by the different cultures put together and interacting. At the end, this lack of respect for the various cultures was the main reason for the implosion of the kingdom yet to result. [3]

In 95 AP, Estontetso signed a treaty with Dascunya and the various Lendian city-states to limit any Estontetsan expansion in the south or west, freezing Estontetsan borders at a certain point. This was the treaty responsible for all the linear boundries found in central Longerath [4]. The Iparalaspuqui had not only conquered and colonized the land granted to them by the Emperor but streched their efforts down to the equator which in 95 AP was regarded as the southern border of Estontetso[[In 95 AP, the border was in the south while according to the map of 250 BP, some part north of the equator belonged to - and after the Longerathian Wars was returned to - Phenixia.]] [6].

On October 5th 97, the Kingdom of Estontetso was born. The ruling house, however, was the same, with King D. Xoninhas PanKona I and Only as Head of State. At this point, the population expected an era of freedom, a new way of ruling the country, far from the rigid and musty imperial hierarchy. Therefore there were peaceful marches all over the country demanding more autonomy. Briefly the cruel situation came to light, as freedom of press was supressed and political arrests were made practice. The democratic forces continued to expose the situation, but even the Parliament had very little power, as its election was fraudulent. [3]

In the 180ies, Belleville received its waterfront quarters with the Royal Opera House and the Governor's Palace (now Sultan's Palace). [6]

The Civil War

With the failure of the kingdom to fulfil the expectations of the population, positions were extremed, favouring ethno-fanaticism incited by fascist leaders, the worst consequence being the breaking out of the civil war.

Several attacks to the human rights by fascist forces were reported, and masses of refugees fled, people from the southeast heading for Phenixia. Most of the latter were of Fenis ethnicy[6]. On October 23rd 297, the Kingdom of Estontetso suddenly collapsed. It was occupied by International Forces (IF) from Merité, Christiana (modern Cruisana), Phenixia and Angliyaa, and divided in several occupation zones. The territory which later became Feniz was occupied by Christiana. This zone was lucky under the mild rule of IF.

The time of foreign occupation brought even more attempts to secure human rights almost on every corner of the thorn country. [3]

Northern Phenixia (Al Djumuriyah)

The Flag of The Green MarchKnowing that the King of Christiana would not order his troops to fire on an unarmed mob, thousands of refugees crossed back the frontier in what was called the "Green March" of November 19th 297. Again, most of these were Fenis[6].

The peaceful demonstrators crossed the northern border of Phenixia following rumours of mistreatment of the population by IF (International Forces) troops. It appeared later that these rumours had been planted by Meritéan IF rebellious agents. As the demonstration developed, small groups of people hidden in the crowed provoked an exchange of fire with the Christianan IF troops which resulted in a general burst. These groups appeared later to have been led by dissident Meritéan IF secret agents infiltrated into the demonstrators. 34 people were killed including close relatives to the Christianan Royal Family.

The bloodshed that followed provoked intervention by the Phenixian Army in order to maintain peace waiting for a peaceful international solution to be found.

Phenixia offered proofs of its innocence and eventually Meritéan agents were caught which gave proof of a Meritéan secret service plot against their own king. This resulted in a Phenixian/Merité war (November 20th to December 10th 297). This war was terminated when both leaders secretly met and agreed to stop the war. Northern Phenixia was "returned" (ceased) to Phenixia but with special rights of autonomy for its population.

In a Referendum of June 22nd 298 in the Phenixian occupied area to decide the secession from Estontetso, the Northern Phenixian people chose for an autonomous Northern Phenixia within Phenixia by 54% of the votes. The choice of pure annexion - without autonomy - obtained 27%, return to IF rule 11%, independance 6%, return to Estontetso 2%. The result was a union with the occupier country, the area becoming the Northern Phenixia Territories. [8]

Under Phenixian rule, the capital city, modern Fenizabad, was officially called Belleville. [9]

Phoenicia or the City State of Phoenix Town

Northern Phenixia, or Al Djumuriyah[7], prospered under Phenixian rule. The local peoples formed peaceful autonomous states. Unfortunately, this did not last long for Phenixia was desintegrating too. Internal disputes among the various ethnic groups made (Greater) Phenixia split up into (modern) Phenixia, Northern Phenixia and Hochlandia, in the first half of 299. [6]

Sabin of Scorpio[10], former officer of the Phenixian Army and currently studying to become a priest of the Cult of the Phoenix, took the lead in Northern Phenixia. He organised the people which lacked unity to a great extent, and to erect a landmark of this unity, started to modernize the capital city which he renamed Phoenix Town. On 30 May 299, he became King Sabin I. and his state the City State of Phoenix Town, also known as Phoenicia.

King Sabin was rather pompous and excentric, but was said to be a wise ruler. Protesting and demonstrations against the king were allowed, and nobody had ever pronounced one word of discontent to the king and his government. Other democratic rights had been suspended, however; political parties were outlawed and political participation was not encouraged. Nevertheless the government of Phoenix Town was not an oppressive one. [11]

Sultanate of Phoenicia, now Sultanate of Feniz

(This and the following chapters: [6])

King Sabin had founded and centered his government on the capital city, however, and had largely neglected the rural people which meant that even the existence of roughly four fifths of the poulation had been ignored by the other Vexillium nations. They were deprived of their land, their cattle, their rights in every sense. The practise of the traditional mounist religion was banned under a penalty in favor of the Cult of the Phoenix althogh this was nothing but a creation of Sabin. It was even forbidden to carry the traditional names. Discontent grew, and turned into a sensible but effective resistance which was steered by the tribal chiefs, the Sheikhs.

Click to see the whole map (82 KB)Finally, at the time when the first great oil field near Abqaiq was detected, the chief of the Hammar tribe who ruled in that region, Sheik W'Infri-Ed, was elected by the gathered Sheikhs to renew Phoenicia on a traditional basis, emphasis to be laid on freedom, equality, justice, and faith. On 29 March 300, Sheik W'Infri-Ed took the title of Sultan, making the country the Sultanate of Phoenicia. - King Sabin quietly left the country, unhindered, and betook himself to Maryport, his original country, relic of the old Escorpionica.

The first four leading men of Feniz to whom we are indebted for founding the Sultanate were the Sultan W'Infri-Ed, Dr. I'Foundpat-Role Emir who acquired power as president of the new petroleum company OF, I'd Doo-Itt Pasha who became President Of The Administrative Body (Prime Minister), office which soon ceased to play a major role, and the Caliph Neer'Too-Gott who later retired to his religious role after international quarrels.

On 27 April 300, following the ban of the Cult of the Phoenix (lifted in 302), the country's name was officially changed to the name used in the I'Para Lass-Puki language, Ir-Sultan Id-Feniz (Ingallish: Sultanate of Feniz, short form: Feniz), the capital now being called Fenizabad. Feniz is a most ancient and traditional name derived from the Fenis, former lead culture of the region, which lent their name to Fenia, Phenia, Faeniccia, Phenixia, even to the Cult of the Phoenix, Phoenicia, and Phoenix Town.

Feniz became member of the UNV but was denied membership in the UNNV.

The neutrality of Feniz has been questioned by the ANNV members because of the military assistance received from Zartania. Political discussion was then held wether to change the constitution or to alter the relation to Zartania. The latter alternative would doubtlessly have left Feniz without sufficient military protection.

The Caliph revelled in the role of opposition since he was deceived by the Sultan in the struggle for world mounist leadership in mid 300. He was the one who wanted to expel the Zartanian military advisors as soon as possible. He was supported in his views by the Chief Justice who dreamt of a totally independent Feniz as he thought the constitution dictates. In his pro-Zartanian course, the Sultan could rely mainly on the OF president who feared for his export chances if the Zartanians were antagonized, and on the administration. The Emirs gave proof of their weak position - despite their important constitutional function as Princes Elector - by casting no vote at all. - The Zartanian advisors finally left on 2nd January 301 but a Zartanian military logistics organisation was admitted later.

Protector of Fora Rifo

Mounist riots in the Zufites islands of the Kingdom of Elafites and Zufites (Ezo) led to Fora Rifo becoming a free mounist republic with self-government (thus, an autonomous state) within the kingdom. However, this status proved at last as unacceptable to Ezo as well as to Fora Rifo. Feniz was asked to mediate between the involved parties in February 301. These talks ended up in Feniz taking over the protectorship of the island from Ezo on 27 February 301 by a treaty known as the "1 + 2 Treaty".

Incorporation of Hochlandia

Hochlandia, like Feniz, was another relic of the once Greater Phenixia broken up in 299. It was constituted as an independent state on 17 June 299.

Hochlandian North Angliyaa on a map of Angliyaa from mid 299 APLazischyna on a Vexillium map of 300 APAn outstanding episode in the short history of Hochlandia in this period was the role as a protector over North Angliyaa which was then called Lazischyna [6].

Since its formation, Hochlandia had been a threat to the Vex and, above all, to its northern neighbour. Especially after its break-down, roaming troops without pay afflicted the Hochlandian population which started to flee to Feniz, and even afflicted Feniz itself. As the stringent border regime which was imposed end of September 300 has been severely questioned by the international community, the Administration erected a wall, intended to further preclude Hochlandian soldiers from roaming about on Fenizic territory. The effect was not satisfying, however, and when, in March 301, the situation became unbearable, Hochlandia was invaded by the Armed Forces of Feniz (10 till 19 March), and annexed.

The mistake to try and extend the annexion into Phenixia pretending cartographic witness (the Champoise Case; read a related story) was answered by Phenixia with instantaneous mobilization of military forces and led to the removal of Sultan W'Infri-Ed and his replacement by the moderate former prime minister I'D Doo-Itt, while the foreign secretary, G'Ensh-Er Pasha, was eliminated from his office, but with rexspect to his undoubted merits became the new prime minister. However, W'Infri-Ed is still present as leading figure and counsellor if need arises (read a related story).

The two duchies of Hochlandia became Emirates under their former Cisarevichs who proved co-operative. Shortly after this, all Emirates of Feniz were given new, fenizised names, and the three Emirates of North Feniz, i.e. Feniz proper, revived the collective name from Phenixian times, Al Djumuriyah, fenizised "Al'Jumu-Ria".

When Feniz took the lead in renewing the APWH, it chose Levyts'ki, the capital of Sukha, as location for its headquarters in order to strengthen the importance of the new emirates.

Acquisition of Ulnovabad

On 25 March 302, following the Ulnovabad / Fenizic Islands Land-Swap, the Autonomous Emirate of Ulnovabad was founded, consisting of the harbour city of Ulnovabad, a major trade hub in northern Eras, and its surroundings. Its autonomy mainly lies on the financial sector insofar as the Emirate does not receive subventions from nor pays taxes to Feniz proper.

During the Cimeran civil war in Ulnofshire (modern Castronovia) in November 302, Fenizic troops were sent out to secure and keep open the trade routes through southern Ulnofshire to the eastern countries (Operation PURE PASSAGE).

Sultan I'd Doo-Itt preferred to stay quietly in Ulnovabad for months despite the fact that that province is not very proud of belonging to the Sultanate.

Dascunyan Border Troubles

In 304, the situation on the Dascunyan border suddenly deteriorated. Since a while, the member states of Dascunya had fought each other, and now they began to use southern Feniz as battle field, stronghold and area of retreat. When more and more civilians suffered damage and injury, the Administration was forced to retaliate with military force. Under the command of Elder Sultan W'Infri-Ed, the state of Jezen was forced to surrender.Others may follow while Feniz seeks support from the UNV to install a UNVCOCN rule over Dascunya.


[1] Archaeologic Institute, Emir Dr I'Foundpat-Role University, Fenizabad
[2] History of Cruisana, © 1999 Edward Mooney, Jr.
[3] History of Estontetso, © 1999 André Serranho
[4] A Concise History of Longerath and Smalik, Alvare Institute, Lendosa, © Thomas Robinson
[5] History of Dascunya, © by David Subirats Vila
[6] Prof. Dr. Aus'Derwus-Te, Institute for Fenizic History, Emir Dr I'Foundpat-Role University, Fenizabad
[7] Al Djumuriyah, © Philippe Bondurand
[8] Northern Phenixia, © 2000 Philippe Bondurand
[9] Westrian Diplomacy, © Maximilian T. H. Suchy
[10] "of Scorpio" indicates that he is a recent descendant of the former house once ruling Escorpionica; see Alvare Institute, Lendosa
[11] Phoenicia, © 1999 Alberto Stolfi
[12] History of Aethelnia, © 2003 Thomas Dobbenga

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